Saturday, October 31, 2015

Do not make your webpage to load all images at once. Tip to speed up website

User experience is very important aspect in making a web application. One of the important factors is improving your website page load time. Where do many applications fail to make good user experience ?

  •  Trying to load lot of content at once.
  •  Loading higher dimension ed images than required by your styles
  •  Loading images before even they actually require on the screen.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Amazing Javascript work done by this website

Google has released an amazing tool to look top costume searches happening for this Halloween. The CSS effects with javascript are interesting. Thought of sharing this.

This kind of presentation would be possible with javascript library Threejs .

Thursday, October 29, 2015

How to Remove browser default css styles

Removing default browser styles is very important in our web design or development.

Many of the beginners wonder why there is a little bit of margin on the left side or styling the navigation list will not result as expected. The reason is each browser will have some set of predefined styles applied to our html web page.

Hello World with node.js

I have been hearing a lot from programmers about node.js. A server side javascript framework which can accomplish all the server side tasks. Lets see how to use node.js

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Control elements visibility with bootstrap css

There is no doubt that bootstrap is one of the best css frameworks that are available today. It has lot useful css classes that make our web development easy.

In this small article I am explaining about hide elements with bootstrap css classes

 Hide on screens less than 768px width


 Hide on screens width between 768px(include) and 992px(exclude)


 Hide on screens width between 992px (include) and 1200px(exclude)


 Hide on screens width anything above or equal 1200px


Simple demo for this is available here

Friday, October 9, 2015

Floating your sidebox between two points, Inspired by Google

I have seen google pagespeed insights floating the mobile or desktop screenshot on the sidebar between only certain points.
I just figured it out how to do it. And here is the tutorial explaning to make your website sidebar widget float between two limits.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Offer something when user is moving out of your page

What most of the publishers are doing to convert their new visitors as returining visitors? They offer something when users visit the site.
Now, when do they offer discount or free stuff, it depends from business to business, either when user spends some time on a page or
user visiting couple of pages or when he/she is leaving the website.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Sidebar Navigation of smashing magazine style

I thought it will be hard to implement such beautiful navigation. I was wrong about that. This smashing magazine style left navigation is implemented with just HTML and CSS.

Monday, October 5, 2015

How to create a simple login form of paypal style

I am a paypal user and I login to my account at least once in a week. The new login interface is very modern and attractive. Hence decided to share the code to create one such login interface for websites.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Creating twitter desktop style header navigation

Twitter navigation is one of my favorite navigation styles. So I have tried replicating the same navigation, which seems good and tested with the browsers Chrome, firefox and Microsoft Edge.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Google apps style navigation

I have seen different types of navigation menu styles for websites and apps. But the most user friendly menu style I have come across is google apps style navigation.

An example app that I can refer is gmail app and an example website I can give is google store

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Making a full page navigation for all devices

Having responsive site navigation is important for a website and also it is necessary to have good user experience on all the platforms