Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Testing HTML on Real Devices - No wires required

Testing on Real devices

Making html pages or templates should be easy. If you are beginner might be the right place to start with. It is not just only developing things, testing is another important aspect of any our work.

Say if you have developed a simple html layout or a page, and you tested it using chrome browser and it looks so good and when you test it on other browsers like firefox and IE, there could few things that you would correct and make it works well on these browsers.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Best CSS for buttons

Some of the best CSS buttons collection with browser compatibility.

CSS Buttons play vital role for the website. Here is some css buttons examples like download buttons and social buttons. These nice css buttons will definitely help web developers and web designers.

How to show widget on mobile devices

We have lot of free blogger themes available and they have good template designs as well. By default when you add any widget to the theme you have, it will not be available on mobile. In order to show widget on mobile devices, in my case it was HTML widget that I wanted to display on mobile device.

I searched a lot on google and haven't found a proper solution to it. Everybody says that widget has an attribute called "mobile" and you just say "yes" to it. It is absolutely right but the thing is, it didn't work for me.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Simple CSS trick to place author pic and name inline

This CSS styling helps when you need to place two elements inline. Often we need to place two elements to together of different heights.

Say we have an element one of height 60px and element two of 20px and we need the second element to be vertically center of the first element, below trick might be helpful

Some useful CSS3 Generators and Tools

Although web developers have many css3 frameworks to style their websites, we might sometimes need css generaotrs for a special button to do some actions on our site - say download, signup, explore etc.. or different forms for subscribe and contact.

Some css3 tools available online that are free and can help us to generate customized buttons, borders and some animations.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Do Something new with these Jquery plugins and Javascripts

Web designing is always been a challenge for web designers and developers. Unless you have some good tools to work, it is most likely difficult to develop great UI.

Below are some tools that might help you to come up with some great designs to your apps or websites.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Top CSS frameworks for web developers

I know the web developers like to code and also they would love things like readily made css frameworks that will ease their development process.

So, I collected some of the most popular CSS frameworks which can help beginners and web designers.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Internet browser statistics

Web browser statistics are important information for the users, especially for the developers, if you are making an app that is specific to a browser, it is very vital to know that how much percentage of users are actually using which browsers. 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Top 10 Javascript Frameworks 2015

My favorite part in any web application development is working on Javascript. A script is usually something which you can change instantly and run it, you do not need any deployment stuff. In this post I listed down some of the best javascript frameworks that I used for my personal projects.

How to place any element vertically center inside another using CSS

Placing an element vertically center inside of another element is easy with CSS. I will show you how to do it.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

How to create a simple html page using HTML5 and CSS

Once you know little bit of what is html and css, you can start creating you own websites, for that you should understand how to design a simple layout using html.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

How to make your own website for free

In this post, I am going to explain about how to make a website for free.
Even myself in the beginning, was wondering how do people were able to create such amazing websites with good web design. 

Website Development

 Developing website can be free or you can spend few bucks and ask somebody to do it. Lets talk about how to create it for free yourself. I bet you do not need to know much about coding part. 

I recommend creating a website with simple web design on either or
Reason : It is easy :-)

How to make your own website for free is provided by google and absolutely free of cost. Just sign in and few simple clicks to create a new blog and start writing posts or articles. is another free blogging domain that helps you to make your own website. 

Both blogger and wordpress provide plenty of website templates or themes to customize your blog or website. 
Note: Both will give a subdomain like -- or

In order to get your own domain like you need to purchase it. Go to any domain seller like godaddy or bigrock and you can purchase it for around $10. I suggest you try with some deals or coupons.

What if you don't choose blogger or wordpress.

Yes, you can still create a website without using blogger or wordpress. Then you should do the following.

-- > Know what is website hosting. 
--> Know how much you should spend on website hosting.

Basically you need to handle whole stuff, from choosing a domain name to developing it with either Content Management System( CMS) or with your own code. 

How to use javascript settimeout to call functions in sequence

Using Javascript setTimeout to call javascript functions is easy. This simple tutorial explains the usage of javascript setTimeout function